One Stop User Test
An User Testing Plan designed for One Stop Office’s email service in The New School
UX Research, UI/UX Design, User Testing
2023 Fall- 2023 Winter
UX Research, User Testing Designer
One Stop Office
One Stop Office
A platform to guide students to the correct department
The administrative parts of going to college can be confusing and complex. The One Stop office is the first stop for students and their families seeking answers to questions about billing and payment, financial aid, registration, and student records. Our counselors work one-to-one with students to resolve issues, answer questions, and provide wayfinding navigation.
The Problem
Seek for feedback from fellow students in TNS
One-Stop Office is recently lunched to solve the problem of students’ complains of unable to receive accurate and timely information from school offices. This is the third month of the lunching of the office, and the office director is looking for plans on examine the efficiency and usability on the office’s email service.
User Testing Plan
In collaboration with two team members, we proposed a user testing plan to examine the efficiency and usability on the office’s email service.
Heuristic Analysis
Using heuristic analysis, we plan to evaluate the efficiency of anto-reply emails on guiding students and inspect the accessibility of email address displays and guidings on One Stop Webpages
Goms Analysis
We plan to use GOMS analysis to evaluate the usability of email responses, identify the students; and diverse challenges, and pinpoint areas for potential improvement in the future.
We designed 4 sample email to send to the email service that contain identical information but with different phrasing depicting common issues that bother students
User Survey
We plan to send user user surveys to students who experienced the email service from One Stop to examine the ease of the One Stop Emailing process, evaluate the ease of finding the email contact, measure response time from One Stop, and review user satisfaction feedback.
Journey Map
After walking through the email service procedure, my teammates and I designed a user journey map and a service blueprint for clarify the One Stop Email service, characterized the full procedural into 4 phases: Get Contact Info and Contact, Get Auto Responses, Get Response, Finish
Research Findings
We have divided the user journey into three stages, representing "Pre-Service Discovery," "During Service," and "Post-Service Feedback." Our plan also focuses on these three stages. After discussion, we come up with three applicable ideas for the analyzation methods: Heuristic Analysis, Goms Analysis, and User Survey.